My kids and I built the
Castle Rocktronics 000 power supply, easy enough.
I found some male and female 2-wire connectors and made the bus board on vero

Of course, I never checked that the male and female connectors actually fit together. (where is the face palm emoji?)
Can anyone with mad Mouser skills help me find these online? I've exhausted all the local electronics surplus stores.
The Castle Rocktronics docs describes them as "JST" style 2.54 mm connectors (XH–2.54):
"JST is not actually the official name of this type of connector, just the colloquial name they are known by. JST actually make a wide range of connectors. The ones I chose to use come under XH series, which means they fit nicely into perf-board because they have the same spacing as DIP chips and sockets."