Cornish P2 (maybe)

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Cornish P2 (maybe)

This morning I downloaded DIYLC V3 and decided to give it a go, since I'd like to slightly modify some of the layouts I find here and in FSB to suit my needs (buffers, box size, etc).
So to get used to this software I decided to adapt one of IvIark's awesome veroboards to a schematic I found on Madbean forum.
Now, I'm really unsure about the veracity of this schem, as I have no other schem to compare to (much less an original Cornish pedal, mind you ) but I'm inclined to trust the madbean guy on this.
 I'll try my best to verify it during the weekend or next week and let you know if it sounds Ok.
Anyway, it is probably full of mistakes as my grasp of fundamental electronics is nothing but null, I'm learning on the go and I'm a total newbie, but I had to try.
Any corrections/suggestions are VERY welcome!!!
Thanks in advance


P.S: schematic can be found here.
Dowload link for DIYLC file, if anybody wants to adapt, add, correct or whatever, can be found here.

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Re: Cornish P2 (maybe)

So....its a Muff.....that costs a fortune.....who knew....

Still, kudos on the fantastic job
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Re: Cornish P2 (maybe)

Thanks man!

Yup, nothing more than an upgraded Muff here... But we still have to give credit to Cornish for taking standard circuits from the 70s and refining them.
This doesn't justify at all those exorbitant prices though, if he has a successful business and a looong waiting list, it's because people still believe that a guy who built pedalboards for Judas, Floyd, Maiden etc. will make them sound like their youth heroes. Same old story, same old myths...
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Re: Cornish P2

Finally got around to build it and verify it...

I accommodated a few components in it, as I was unsure if my previous layout fit the schematic 100%, being derived from IvIark's BMuff layout (and on account of me being awful doing layouts of course :-)).

Built and boxed along with the Cornish buffer, and sounds absolutely wonderful in front of the Sunn Model T jfet preamp!!!!

Definitely as great sounding as the G2.

Updated layout below: