Crazy Tube Circuits Starlight Fuzz

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Crazy Tube Circuits Starlight Fuzz

I would like to request the Crazy Tube Circuits Starlight Fuzz. I looked everywhere to see if I could get some schematics for it but no luck. All I did find was this gutshot:

The circuit sounds great, you can hear it really well through Pete Thorn's 2014 pedalboard video.
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Re: Crazy Tube Circuits Starlight Fuzz

There's not enough info here to do anything. You need to either post a schematic, or at least clear top and bottom shots of the board, including part values for the stuff that we obviously can't see
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Re: Crazy Tube Circuits Starlight Fuzz

Isn't he the guy that invented the dr Boogie? I might be mistaken. I thought that some of the crazy tube circuits are (highly?) modded dr Boogies.. Again I might be mistaken.
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Re: Crazy Tube Circuits Starlight Fuzz

In reply to this post by rsampaio

Just an FYI, in lieu of a schematic or other precise representation of the circuit (pcb layout, vero, etc.), gutshots can be used to create a representation of the circuit by lining up the component- side and trace- side of the board, looking back and forth, tracing the circuit from input to output visually. Without a photo of the underside of this board, only having a photo of the components on the top of the board, it's nearly impossible to know how the components are connected... the only exception to this rule is when someone has a deep knowledge of the famous circuits that thousands of pedals are modeled after, and a similarity is noted between the pedal you're analyzing and the classic circuit... even then, so much is (best)guessed and the effort is tremendous.

If you ask around the internet, someone is likely to own this pedal and you may be able to entice them to open their box up and take a few photos. At that point, you need to make sure none of the text was shaved off of the components, something somewhat common with ICs and transistors because it maintains a bit of mystery and secret sauce.

Anyway, best of luck.. if you do find a schematic or create one yourself I'm sure the people here can help translate that to vero.. this community is incredible and the people are nothing short of that either.