Crazy idea

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Crazy idea

Completely random, and crazy idea. Since we have a pretty tight community, not to mention the communal work on the Ge deathstar, and since we are all over the world, why not do a google hangout some time so we can kinda meet. I know it would be kinda hard since there are different time zones, but I just think it would be nice to see those in the community that have provided so much help, and support.
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Re: Crazy idea

Not that crazy! Sounds good :)
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Re: Crazy idea

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Re: Crazy idea

I'd be up for it.  I don't have lots of free time with a day job, and a wife and kids to keep happy whilst doing layouts every day, but I'll certainly show my face when I can
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Re: Crazy idea

i know the feeling, minus the kids, and i'm in the middle of searching for a house to call my own, i just figure we should work out some time where a group of us have like 30min-1hr or so. i teach, so in like a month i finally get my vacation and will be more available.