hey guys, i found on turretboard a schematic for the the creepyfingers version of a silicon fuzz face, but its shown on a turretboard. Any idea how i can convert it to vero or use a prototyping board and do it as a point to point. I want to go off of a custom one brad made for bob of fu manchu which has 108c transistors instead of 130c and uses a tropical fish capacitor and NOS phillips caps. I have everyone but don't know how to convert it as i have never done a turrentboard before and dont have access to it around me. here are links to the diagram on
turretboard , and a link to a
picture of the one off, and bob/brad gives a
description of the internals as he gave it away in a contest. i really want to have a power jack, and led too if possible. Any and all help would be awesome. Thanks in advanced.