Crunchbox vs ?

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Crunchbox vs ?

My crunchbox build has been on my pedalboard for a while now and I still like it very much but I'd be very happy to have the same kinda distortion but oriented american sound (californian rock).
I'm not looking for high gain pegal like the dr boogie but really something like the american counterpart of the crunchbox.
It has to fit a 1590b enclosure
Any ideas ?
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Re: Crunchbox vs ?

Barber dirty bomb maybe ?
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Re: Crunchbox vs ?

Sans amp classic.....  It can pretty much do any sound.
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Re: Crunchbox vs ?

ibanez48 wrote
Sans amp classic.....  It can pretty much do any sound.
Excellent suggestion
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Re: Crunchbox vs ?

In reply to this post by ibanez48
I already built it from the site's layout with a few issues.
I had the original a few years ago (I currently have the gt2) and while it's great as a preamp it's not always the best solution in front
Plus it doesn't fit in a 1590b