DIF MuffRat

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DIF MuffRat

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Re: DIF MuffRat

Ciaran Haslett
It's always me sorry lol

Missing R9 and C5 off pin 2
Emitter resistor is 100 ohm, not 100K
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Re: DIF MuffRat

No apologies needed! I appreciate the help. I still have lots of room for improvement with making layouts. I just updated it, so all should be good now. Thanks again!
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Re: DIF MuffRat

Sorry if you got my earlier post but that was meant for the Knight Fuzz w/ Mods. I'll update this one in a moment.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: DIF MuffRat

Got the two pedals mixed when posting as built both along with Parasit Studio's Sonic Reducer today, getting tired now.
Anyway, this a nice clean sounding little distortion. Just went with 1N4148s for now but will experiment with others later.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: DIF MuffRat
