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DIYLC Parts Libraries

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DIYLC Parts Libraries

22 posts
Hey guys,

I was wondering if there are any parts libraries for DIY layout Creator. I keep seeing parts that dont seem to come with the program and I was wondering if there is somewhere you can download more.

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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

1708 posts
My library is here


but it only works with DIYLC V2.  If you're using V3 I'm not sure what you can do other than make the components in the program and save them as templates.

Maybe a user of V3 could advise if they can be shared and imported by others
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

22 posts
Many thanks mark. I'm on v3 but will hav a look.

I tried making a lovely part out of shapes, but when I grouped them and tried to save as a template, that option was greyed out. Have you come across that?

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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
484 posts
you should go like this
---> save as: (lets say) base
(miro i steel got it named as you've sent it to me...!!!)

and every time you open that file, you're ready to go!
just remember to always rename and save the new project , cause if you work on it and then press save, then your base will be lost.

hope i helped.
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

198 posts

That's a great idea.. should have thought of it myself a while back.

I don't mean to be a snoop, but I couldn't help myself. I see in your DIY layout library that you have a file titled "ehxmicrosynth" and another called "into the unknownmoddedboard". please please please tell me that you have a vero layout of the EHX micro synth that you're willing to share!! I look at the schematic for the micro synth I have on my computer like once a week and think "someday.. someday". You contribute so much to this community, I don't mean to pressure you into sharing if you weren't planning to. ..also I love the Into the Unknown, was just curious about any changes you made to that circuit.

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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

Silver Blues
1220 posts
In reply to this post by makerie
I have come across that issue actually. I updated after changing computers and although all the templates I had from before are still there, I can't seem to make any new templates (option is greyed as you have experienced). Particularly annoying is that the track cut symbol now defaults to "cut between tracks" which I have never used in my life and I can't figure out how to change it and can't save the normal symbol as a template.
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

326 posts
In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
I wasn't unhappy with how I was doing it but the Base Layout idea can streamline things even further. Thank you for sharing.
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

1993 posts
In reply to this post by Silver Blues
Place a cut symbol anywhere and then double click it. Make sure the box next to "cut between holes" is not checked, and then check the other box on the right to make that the default setting
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

Silver Blues
1220 posts
Thanks Travis you're a sanity saver.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
484 posts
In reply to this post by notnews
thanks guys..it is Mirosol's idea!!!when i first started to draw layouts, i made some really ugly, problematic-confusing layouts. so miro sent me his base as a file. and that's how i do it since that day. anyway...

for the microsynth...i've started this, but left it long time ago and forgot it...that's a good time to start again!!!
if i had it done, be sure that i would have posted it the very next moment! i love this community, so everything i have done so far is in this small corner of the web!!!!

for the intotheunknown, i just wanted to build an other one in a much smaller box* (1590b) and use it as a synth box with no stomp. so i copied Alex's layout in the diylc, and tried to figure out how i could do it...it turned out 21x23 but with 2 wire jumpers over the ics and a pot wire coming from the top of the board....it's verified...but damn...never again...i never boxed that...made a second pedal, and gave it to a friend!!!so no mods it that one!!!just a tricky name..sorry!
(*same thing with sansampclassic)
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

22 posts
In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
Brilliant! Thank you :)
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Re: DIYLC Parts Libraries

1040 posts
In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
It is easy to create templates of individual components & save them all into one project file. Then you just copy & paste whatever component you need. I will email my template for V3 to anyone who wants it. The parts look like this: