DIYLC Templates

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DIYLC Templates

Silver Blues
Just wondering if someone could give me a little help - I finished putting together a new computer yesterday and I'm moving all my files over to it today. Where does DIYLC store its component templates? I had a bunch of custom templates on my old rig and I pulled the "" file from the old one and put it into the "templates" folder in the new one and they don't show up. I also can't find where in the old directory the old one has them stored. I'm a little confused  where am I supposed to drop that file?
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Re: DIYLC Templates


For my part I made a model where I have integrated all components, connections, fonts, finally all those that I often use.
Then when I have finished I delete anyone I 've not used.
You can be done with this method to recover most of your components ....

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Re: DIYLC Templates

Silver Blues
Well it turns out that's exactly what that file was, and I was thinking it was some kind of library that you just needed to pop in the right place. Merci, MOPO!
Through all the worry and pain we move on