DIYLC v2 Pro Tip

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DIYLC v2 Pro Tip

Did you know that in DIYLC v2 you can close the application without a save prompt by hitting CTRL+X?

This helpful feature will allow you to quickly and effectively lose all the work you hadn't gotten around to saving, thus leaving more time in your day for cursing and swearing!

Sigh... Hopefully I'll get the layout for Albert Kreuzer's bass preamp up here soon.  Should go more quickly now that I've had a chance to "practice" laying out 2/3s of it.


Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: DIYLC v2 Pro Tip

Yes, it's possibly the most annoying feature of the software when you're used to using CTRL + X to cut in every other application that you use.  There have been a few occasions when I have got close to the end of a layout, pressed CTRL + X in error when I was trying to press CTRL + C, and closed it without saving.  As you can imagine that has made me swear quite a lot!

I'd actually disable it if I knew how to do it, just so that I've removed the potential to lose work.  
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Re: DIYLC v2 Pro Tip

In reply to this post by Jopn
You can use AutoHotkey to remap ctrl+x to nothing.  Doesn't fix the cut command but it will solve the insta-quit.
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Re: DIYLC v2 Pro Tip

Thanks for the tip I'll give that a try