DOD 3PDT switch wiring.

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DOD 3PDT switch wiring.

Peter Venkman
I've got an old DOD Stereo Flange and DOD Digital delay that I'd like to just rebox with a 3PDT foot switch to turn ten on and off, but can't for the life of me track down on the boards where to make the connections. I know the old DODs had the wonky little switch under the giant foot plate and were technically always on so I'm looking for advice on where to start poking and probing to find where to connect the 3PDT switches, the input and out put jacks, and power supplies because I'm going to take out the stereo Jack and battery connection and use a 9v power supply. I can't find the correct schematics for the units online otherwise I wouldn't ask, but if I snapped a bunch of picks of the boards is there anyone here willing to take a look at them and help me narrow down my search? I know that it's pretty futile without being able to use a multimeter to test the boards, but I figured someone here has to have done this before, wether or not it's these specific units or not. I received both pedals along with an Ibanez Reverb pedal, the old little black plastic tanks, in a box of parts. All the pedals are complete, but have been disassembled from the jacks and battery connections. I can post pics of anyone would be willing to do a guy a solid and have a look.
make them loud enough to melt the sun
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Re: DOD 3PDT switch wiring.

Are the pedals "on" (as in not bypassed) automatically when powered up? If so it would be simple to make them true bypass. If not you may have to modify the switching circuit to be always "on"
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Re: DOD 3PDT switch wiring.

Peter Venkman
I think, according to the internet, they need to be wired up to be true bypass.
make them loud enough to melt the sun