DOD 440

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DOD 440

Wooh, lots of incredible stuff happening at the moment!
Crazy guys, crazy guys, is this really the first time some guys are doing all this work? I'm just drooling for the bigger layouts you could do if you'd make your own pcb's, any as_crazy_blog_as_this around for that? :D

Well. anyway guys, we love you, I hope you know that. My request would be the next pedal on cloning down Jonny Greenwood's pedalboard. The DOD 440, it's been requested somewhere in the comments of some other envelope filter, and although it's a fairly simple layout it's one not yet released here.

So DOD 440 it is.
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Re: DOD 440

Yes I'll do this one and glad you like the site
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Re: DOD 440

This post was updated on .
Hi guys. This site is awesome. I've so far managed to do 4 of the pedals here and they all work like a charm. I'd like to add myself to the DOD 440 proposal, since I wanna own one desperately. Here you have an schematic:

I've also found and also this veroboard design. I'm not building it like that because it looks dodgy compared to the ones you post here (it has diagonal bypasses and components) and I'm pretty sure you can come up with a better version!

Cheers guys!
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Re: DOD 440

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Re: DOD 440

If you want, in the mean time, you can find another vero layout here:
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Re: DOD 440

Wow man, that looks much better than the one I found. Still I don't really like resistors to go vertical instead of flat on the board, but if in a mounth or so I can't find a better vero board version I'll sure build this one. THANKS A LOT!!!
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Re: DOD 440

This post was updated on .
I drew one up from the GGG schematic. I just built it so it's VERIFIED. I wanted one that used the VTL5C4/2 vactrol since in order for it to sound like the original it should have matched vactrols.

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Re: DOD 440

I updated my vero and built it today so the new one above is VERIFIED.
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Re: DOD 440

Fuck yeah. I'm out of the country now, but as soon as I'm back from my summer vacation I'll build it. Thanks a million John!
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Re: DOD 440

In reply to this post by johnk
Nice one John