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I am a big fan of this site and have built many of the projects! I like to thank everyone who takes the time to produce these great vero designs.

My question is... regarding the DOD FX53 Classic Tube. The vero design is quite different to the actual pedal circuit board, for instance the vero uses only 2 x TL072 and the actual DOD PCB has 2 similar chips LF353N and the LM1458N but it also has a MC14007UBPC plus 3 transistors 2N5088, J201 and J113.

So why is this vero so different to the actual DOD, do the TL072 chips not need the third IC and Transistors?

Thanks in advance

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Re: DOD FX53

Ciaran Haslett
All the extra stuff is part of the switching system DOD used.  All that can be removed for our "True Bypass" switching.  It doesn't affect the circuit in any way.  

Have a look at the FX22 Alex just finished.  The full schematic (including switching) is here and Alex's schematic with switching removed is here.

As you can see, the primary circuit of the effect isn't altered at all.
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Re: DOD FX53

Haha I was just going through that circuit. Makes perfect sense thank you Ciaran and thanks for such a quick reply too. Keep up the great work you do.
