DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

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DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

Hey there,

Having a layout of this one would be very helpful for me!

Here's a link to the schematic:

Here's a ling to a pcb picture:

In the last one, we can see that diodes are 1N4148 and IC is 4558

Thanks in advance!
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Re: DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

here you go:
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Re: DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

wow, seems like I got lucky! thanks so much, john! have you heard about a "wrong resistor" on the stock model? I remember reading about something like this...
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Re: DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

yeah, I read about that resistor, but the schematic that I drew my vero from was correct. I built it and it sounds great.

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Re: DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

wow, your builds look sooooo clean....

may i ask what that toggle switch does?
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Re: DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

I added a selectable clipper to it to choose between the stock 1N4148 diodes or two red leds.
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Re: DOD FX91 - Bass Overdrive

OK, thanks again!