DOD Flanger 670

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DOD Flanger 670

Hi dear friends. I have come across this vintage pedal that dates from 1981 :)
Unfortunately it doesn't work.
It had some problems with the power cable- someone have tried to change it and he did but very stupidly and unprofessional. Also the input and the output were wired wrongly. I have fixed this problems but the pedal still doesn't work.
So I'll need some suggestion what to do and what to check.
I have red on forum that if the SAD512D chip is burned it will be very difficult to find- almost impossible.

Also it will be good if we can do copy of this pedal most of the component are easy to find on tayda and it sounds really good.

Please check my pics.
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Re: DOD Flanger 670

What happened to those yellow capacitors?  It looks like a hot soldiering iron was up against them or something....singed the paint off.  I would probably start by replacing the cheap parts that look damaged like that before trying to source a difficult IC.