Dan Baird and the Timmy

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Dan Baird and the Timmy

If you don't know who Dan Baird is, you might remember Georgia Satellites "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" from a bygone age.  I prefer a fresher recollection (as in this monster fucking jam here).

As I was bouncing from video to video, I came across a very candid video someone had going while Dan was working on some tracks in the studio.  I doubt he even knew he was being recorded.  What I thought was cool is when the studio guy asks him if he likes the guitar he's playing better than "the red one" (around 2:24 in the video below) Dan mentions how the one is is using voices better through the "Timmy."

It does not surprise me that he is using a Timmy, but hearing him so casually make a reference to a pedal that no one outside of gearheads would probably catch (and one I've built for myself) made my ears perk up and I just had to grin.

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Re: Dan Baird and the Timmy

That's a great video.  It shows how tough it is to nail a solo when you have to play it over and over and over.  I've done this on some of my personal recordings - I have an idea or framework for a solo, but I let it evolve spontaneously on the recording.  Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't.  After 20 takes (!) I may have something I think I like...
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Re: Dan Baird and the Timmy

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Re: Dan Baird and the Timmy

Yeah.  I've also used my multi-track editing software (I've used both Mixcraft and Audacity) to splice the first part of one take with another part of a different take.  That's probably how most records are mixed these days - give the producer some raw takes, and he then splices them together to make songs!