Danelectro french fries with very little effect and strange pot

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Re: Danelectro french fries with very little effect and strange pot

eve-the-frog wrote
Any idea ?
Would you try to build again from scractch at this point ?

If you have replaced the caps and still have 0v after all three components it would suggest to me that that something is shorting that row to GND.

Is you get a narrow bladed hacksaw and it between the tracks and check your cuts again.   It shoud be something fairly simple.

Can you post a hi res of the bottom of the board?
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Re: Danelectro french fries with very little effect and strange pot

In reply to this post by Marbles
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Re: Danelectro french fries with very little effect and strange pot


No need to be sorry, thanks! I didn't mean to come across blunt.

Could you snap that part that's sticking out in the left lower corner of the picture?

(The part seems to bridge the 2nd and 3rd row)
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Re: Danelectro french fries with very little effect and strange pot

Part removed in the left low corner...
I also chnaged the two diodes because they come from another abandoned project.

I don't undertsand what could be ground the transistor collectors's row : it's a small row and only 4 components are attached to it (including the transistor). And I alredy replaced these 4 components.

I'm not far from taking a hammer and mashed this board :)