Darkglass B3k (schematic here)

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Darkglass B3k (schematic here)

So I've been trying to get this one figured out and I'm having a bit of trouble; wondering if I'm just not translating it onto vero properly. I am really motivated to build this and was hoping to get some insight from the pros here if anything on the schem stands out that make it potentially incorrect.


A quick edit to specify the problems I'm having:
Knobs are working backwards even though they're wired exactly as the schem says. SW1 is giving a decent volume boost and slight compression, SW3 is doing nothing at all. Overall the pedal is just not sounding right, the Trim1 (blend knob) is making a pop when it gets near to fully open.

I'd love to hear any ideas, or if one of you more experienced at it feels inclined to do a vero layout I can just compare and build from it to see where I may have gone wrong.

Love what you guys do here! Thanks!
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Re: Darkglass B3k (schematic here)

Silver Blues
First off that's not the actual schematic for the B3K, it's a precursor circuit that was incorrectly identified. I've already done this one up if you want to take a look at this thread.
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