Death by Audio Evil Filter Better 2014 NEW (UNRELEASED)
this is a pen and pencil layout by jrfox92 @fsb based on a schematic by glasshero (also fsb) initially traced by screen-capping a scene in a recent dba promo clip. so there's a certain guerrilla aspect to the whole set-up that appeals to my inner-shoplifter. jrfox has givewn approval at fsb for anyone who can use vero software to make a neater version of it if they feel so inclined, so i thought this one to be ripe for posting here. as the images are all hosted at fsb (rather than 'out there' in general webland) you will probably need to log in to fsb to see it. i will pm the op and ask if they are up for it being posted in full here and update if yes. but i think most here are in-with-the-in-crowd so maybe that isn't a huge block to progress for now. whole thread here: Death by Audio Evil Filter Better 2014 NEW (UNRELEASED) original sketched from video schematic and subsequent updates and revisions throughout. jrfox92's vero layout in pen-to-paper style. |
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The old Death by Audio fanboy in me suddenly woke up. I saw jrfox'92's vero on FSB and drew up one at DIYLC. I think I got it right but if anyone can spot errors in there, I would appriciate it.
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you know it never sleeps. thanks indeed for the layout. have had a quick scan and found a couple of things. 68k in column D links to the bottom row on pencil. uppermost 10uf in column M is a 100uf on the pencil. ic3 is rotated 180 degrees in the pencil. but these may have been things you corrected according to the schematic rather than the pencil vero. btw re your dba fanboyness, have you built the original dba kill kill and got it working? mine didn't fire up first time and after a brief debug session i just 'filed it' as being one of those tricky dba builds. keep meaning to revisit it to blow the dust off but wondered if you had any luck with it? |
Thanks for the headsup, layout is updated
![]() The Kill Kill Filter is in the que (as is the Sound Saw). I'm loosing my hair at the moment of a Interstellar Overdrive Deluxe build. These circuits feels quite unstable and unpredictible to say at least but that's a part of the charm IMO. It's not just another Tubescreamer or Muff. Oh and I'm thinking about build a DBA Armageddon as well which is basically a 7 transistor Fuzz War with with two switchable filters adopted from Sound Saw and a "Sub" switch. Loads of gutshots here're right, the DBA fanboy never sleeps.... |
thanks for the update anders, this goes straight to the 'in' tray.
re the temperamental (with the stress on 'mental') nature of the dba product, did you watch the video linked in the fsb thread for this one? near then end oliver said that only 60% of their builds work first time, the rest have to be fixed, tweaked, smashed, whatever. so it's no surprise that clones are going to be even more problematic. not sure what's up with my kill kill. it may be something as fickle as the switching, which is typical dba tricksy. my harmonic transformer doesn't work either, which i have high hopes for too when i can be bothered to debug it. have triple checked both build-to-layouts and all dandy. am hoping to crack them this week as i have just built a standard fuzz war clone ('rawfuzz' pcb at fuzzdog) and i want to try a strictly dba set up. re the 7 tranny fuzz war, fuzzdog mentioned in correspondence that he had just got a build of the 7 tranny war going in the workshop, so maybe you might want to petition him on the pedalparts fb page or via the website to cast a vote for a pcb. the dba i'm most interested in atm is the reverberation machine am deep in reverb atm. belton fun times. ghost done, dead astronaut chasm probably next. but to my ears the dba sounds sweeter still. good luck with your interstellar and armageddon. |
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I've managed to reduce the size a bit.
I think there is a link missing between IC1 Pin5 and IC2 Pin9 in Anders' layout. ![]() |
Man you are really the vero ninja!
![]() Great work! Will definitely give this one a try! Thanks! ![]() ![]() |
In reply to this post by Alex
thank you alex, you are a trouper.
are these obscure ics or is it just me being green? i don't think i've used them in anything i've built (or even considered) to date. |
In reply to this post by anders
hey anders, new layout for the 7 tranny fuzz war contributed by jrfox (who also contributed the kill kill filter layout above, thanks jr). unverified as yet, but appears to address a value error for one of the caps in the traced schematic other builds have been based on. as this build seems to be problematic for many, i thought you might be interested in that cap value revision. btw, thanks for reminding me about the armageddon, now my to-build list is risking triple figures. |
Hey, that's quite a neat layout. I have built three Fuzz Wars from another layout with all the 430k resistors subbed for 820k and it works every time at first go with 2N5088 or MPSA18 although 2N5089's sounds like crap or don't work at all.
I have ordered the chips for the Evil Filter Fuzz (my local supplier demanded 40 euro for the UAF42PA chip ![]() Now we are waiting for the Flaming Lips Space Ring to be traced... |
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am not sure what layout software the fantastic mr fox is using but i like it. reminds me a bit of pawel's stuff at turretboard. if you mean the 7 tranny fuzz war, i'd be interested in knowing which standard layout worked for you. i've seen a handful (this looked the most promising to date but results seem mixed or disappointing. have seen your modded version but wanted to give the straight 7 a try before getting into tweaks. i got my harmonic transformer going this weekend using 6x 900hfe 2n5089. it's not bad. in certain positions it has a lot of that super-saturated ad50 thing where it really blisters out in a nice way. but i found options limited. am going to look in to turning the switches into pots, as on-off doesn't leave much room to manoeuvre. not enclosure worthy yet... what hfe are the 2n5088/mpsa18 you have used in your 7 tranny war? my 2n5088 go 400-500 and my mpsa18 600-800. am with you re the wtf ics for the filter? it's almost as if they are trying to make life difficult for us... |
In reply to this post by tabbycat
I built it yesterday from Alex layout and it works. I used MPSA18 for the transistors, I couldn't find my MAX1044 chips so I used ICL76650S instead and I used 180k resistors from emitters of the transistors(per glass hero's schematic). I haven't wired the footswitches yet or added the expression pedal jack. I have mostly fiddled with the knobs and switches and it seems to grow on me since I wasn't impressed when I first turned it on.
Broken fuzz sounds (fuzz section looks like an Interstellar Overdriver with some larger cap values), cocked wah, some chorusy elements, quite wild filter sweeps when turning the Freq knob, vintage organ drones, some sub octaves and plain mistracking noise. It can do more subtle things as well. Interesting stuff if you're not a tonehound. I'll play with it a bit more because the knobs and switches seems to be quite interactive and I fing new sounds each time I play with it. I have never wired an expression pedal jack before, shouls I wire it like mono output jack? |
Hi Anders.
Is it verified then? I've updated the layout to change the 100Ks to 180K and added the Exp. pedal connections. |
Hi there. Yes it's verified and boxed.
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Cool, thanks!
In reply to this post by anders
Does it sound as crap as all the other DBA fuzz pedals? ![]() Must be a golden business, designing fuzz pedals. As long as it distorts you can never really go wrong. |
In reply to this post by anders
Anyone expression out does anything? Mine doesnt work.
I have been thinking about hown this would be wired up as well.. probably to tip of the jack, then make sure the other end is grounded sleeve, and then your expression pedal is operating as a variable resistor then? This one is on the list and I'm curious how everyone likes it .
-Brett |
In reply to this post by velouriafx
DBA website specifies a 10K expression pedal, though their wording is really strange.
"EXP/CV works with standard 10k expression pedals and with less range with a mono cable. Also accepts +/-5CV." Not sure what the and with less range with a mono cable part means.. bananas. |
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