Re: Death by Audio Evil Filter does not work. Please help!!!
269 posts
I literally always test my circuits without stomp switches. I made that mistake one time and it took me 2 days to figure out that I had a bad switch, and of course I've never had one since, but I still test without switching.
Probably not helpful but might be worth a try to just hook it up direct
Re: Death by Audio Evil Filter does not work. Please help!!!
350 posts
I found a recent post on fsb with some information about how to wire the board to an expression pedal:
"Looking at the schematic, 9V is supplied to pin 2 of the H11F1M optocoupler through a 1k resistor (R14 and R15) and then comes back "out" through pin 2, through a 10k and then has a path to ground through the C500K Frequency pot. The expression pedal is attached right after the diode supplying power to the H11F1M's, and creates a separate path to ground, though it has no series resistance so it's essentially a short when the pot is as min value. I haven't built the pedal yet, but just for the sake of rapping about it, if you set the Frequency pot at minimum resistance value (0 ohms) the LED's would be at their brightest settings. Then plug in your expression pedal which according to the DBA website is supposed to be a 10k for this particular device, which would then provide a 0-10K resistance path to ground parallel to the other two 11K paths to ground..
For the expression to work correctly does the Frequency pot just need to be set at no resistance (whatever end of the sweep that is) ? And maybe some sort of series resistor is in order here to prevent a total short through the pot ? The expression sweep is really the only function of this device I'm really interested in.
Re: Death by Audio Evil Filter does not work. Please help!!!
350 posts
As we would say here in Spain:
"I've got a Boss expression pedal here, burning in my pocket, so I've got to do something with It quickly..."
I was looking for an extreme filter pedal. Let's see how It goes