Debugging Help

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Debugging Help

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Re: Debugging Help

Ok, been doing more debugging on this pedal and checking the board for problems again, and still can't figure it out. I'm probably going to build a new board, and connect it to the existing wiring. But, I still want to figure out what went wrong with this.

What I've figured out is the following:
1. When I check the pots, there is continuity between the tone pot - volume pot - output switch - output jack.  Also, from input jack - gain pot - board.
2. At the board there seems to be no connection between gain pot and tone pot, meaning there is no connection from input to output on the board, but I can't find where/how.

If anyone has any suggestions as to where to look and what to look for that could be the problem I would really appreciate it. Sorry for not posting pictures, my camera broke and have to get a new one.
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Re: Debugging Help

In reply to this post by rocket88
If you have no sound when engaged, recheck your 3pdt wiring, and verify any bad connection that could send the signal to ground.
Then build an audio probe and test your circuit from the input until you get no sound, this will locate your problem
audio probe
Good luck !
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Re: Debugging Help

Thanks alltrax. I got so pissed off I just rebuilt it now, kept all the wiring in the box the same. I checked all the components in the first board and found out that one of the transistors had shorted. I don't know why I didn't think about that earlier . I knew it was going to be something stupid that I was overlooking. I guess I just got very frustrated when it was the second pedal in the row didn't work. But, the important thing is SOLVED!!!!
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Re: Debugging Help
