Hi There,
Trying to debug the Janglebox (
http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com.au/2014/06/janglebox.html) and wondering whether anyone can offer advice please? Hoping another set of eyes might reveal a forehead slap for me :-)
I've re-run solder over most of the joints again
Bypassed signal is ok. I'm getting signal to pins 2 & 3, but nothing from pin 6. Also, I get signal at Switch 1 but not switch 3. I'm using CA3080E, which I swapped out for another of the same - so it seems ok.
Voltages are:
P1 0
P2 2.89
P3 2.89
P4 0
P5 0.64
P6 0.62
P7 9.35
P8 0
Q1 E 1.86, B 2.24, C 9.35
Q2 E 0.11, B 0.62, C 9.22
Q3 E 0, B 0 C 8.4
Q4 E 0, B 0, C 8.4
Q5 E 8.67, B 5.5, C 9.35
Attaching image of layout first. Hopefully it's something there that I just can't see. I used a 91k instead of a 92k at Gain 3
Many thanks for any who take the time to help. I'm certainly loving the learning experience.