Decoupling power supply

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Decoupling power supply

Lord sonic
Hi all,
still trying to fix this noisy vox repeater. This was my first DC build and its really noisy with dc, but nice and quiet with battery. have ruled out power supply fault, this brick works fine with other pedals, I made a meathead clone just to test and again it works fine with that. The noise increases in frequency as I turn the pot, I have resoldered, replaced wires, reconfigured wires all to no avail. It seems really simple to rig up a dc input (even for me!) but I can't get rid of this squeal. I am at a loss now, someone suggested decoupling by using some capacitors and a resistor, but I couldn't quite picture how to link it up, would it require a small daughterboard? If anyone out there can help, especially with a diagram I would be eternally grateful, cheers in advance!
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Re: Decoupling power supply


It was probably me ranting about decoupling

Lookey here...