Define "the pits"

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Define "the pits"

A bad day is when you start what should be a simple project and the stuff you took apart won't go back together. Like when you take an amp head out of a chassis and every time you try to put it back one of the fasteners falls out inside the chassis - so you have to take it apart again. At least the new tone circuit I built for it works, but it would be a shame if I plugged it back in and it went up in flames.
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Re: Define "the pits"

Ciaran Haslett
Taking something apart to repair....then putting it back together only to discover you now have "spare" screws!!!  I once repaired a Playstation 3 GPU and when I put it back together I ended up with 13 homeless screws.  THIRTEEN!!!
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Re: Define "the pits"

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Re: Define "the pits"

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
For me the pits was when my cat died last Tuesday , then to top it off some lady crashed into me on my way to work on Friday. Now all that fun insurance stuff

Actually I don't care about my car too much I'm mostly just upset about my cat. The thing with my car is just annoying. This lady was so freakin stupid. Ahhhh!!!!!!!
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Re: Define "the pits"

Sorry Travis - it sucks to lose a pet. I have had some great cats - never had dogs until I got married, now  we have dogs, they are cool too, but completely different.
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Re: Define "the pits"

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by rocket88
Haha Zach!  More than you know lad.  I've 2 young wains that see every bit of furniture as a trampoline

Travis...nothing worse than losing a loyal pet.  Sorry to hear man.  And speaking of cars...I bought a brand spanking new car last year, my first new new car.  In the space of a month, the wain across the street scraped the whole side of it with his bike, a taxi hit my front wing while parked up outside my house and sped off AAAAND a Donegal bus cut a very tight corner and rubbed up against the front quarter.

I am disgusted haha.

Cars hi.  They cost you money even when your not driving them!!!
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Re: Define "the pits"

Sensei Tim
Travis: losing a pet is hard. hope you pull through.

leftover parts. been there, done that. many times.  not sure what's worse - finishing putting something back together and having a few leftover small screws or having 1 big bolt leftover.
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Re: Define "the pits"


What's worst is picking it up and hearing something loose inside.

On 6/7/2017 12:50 PM, Sensei Tim [via Guitar FX Layouts] wrote:
Travis: losing a pet is hard. hope you pull through.

leftover parts. been there, done that. many times.  not sure what's worse - finishing putting something back together and having a few leftover small screws or having 1 big bolt leftover.

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