Devi Ever GZ (Goddess Zero)

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Devi Ever GZ (Goddess Zero)

This is part of the Godzilla fuzz, but I figured I'd make a standalone for this one as well. Have not build it yet but it should work as it is the same as a Soda Meiser, just using a 2N2222A with Collector to ground as the last transistor.

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Yes, octave up fuzz is great, especially if you cream over the 70's, find nirvana in early 90's fuzz soaked rock, or love the arrow piercing psychadelia of the 60's. Seriously though, isn't there only so much scrambled, high intensity, ear splattering octavia-style fuzz you can take? Sometimes you just want to chill a bit and have the octave up mellow out. Well, that's where the GZ comes in handy. Think of it as the marijuana of the octave up fuzz world. Mind you, it still had as much kick as the usual coke binged octavia-style fuzz's out there, but the GZ knows when to say enough is enough, and just settle in for the ride.

Devi Ever demo
