So I have about a dozen Devi Ever layouts of pedals that aren't on the main site, most of them are made from IvIark's layouts slightly modified for the "new" effect. So, thanks IvIark for his layouts, it made making these easier.
Starting with the Rocket, I figured with the tremolo thing this is what people are interested in. From the DeviEverDIYinfo.PDF a Rocket is a Vintage Fuzz Master (w/ chaos & tremolo switches) going into a Soda Meiser, the tremolo effect caused by breaking the ground from the VFM effect. Switching only the tremolo on makes a constant tremolo effect and switching on chaos mode makes it "touch sensitive". Although the tremolo effect can be used with only the VFM (it cant with only the SM effect) on, it isn't that effective, it really comes alive once both effects are turned on.
Note the 2N2907A is a TO-18 package, watch the pinout for those as the pinout is correct.