Internet stories revolve around how Devi originally designed this for Corgan, but he nixed it. When Dwarfcraft took over the Devi stuff, they replaced the Opamp Muff side with their own Eau Claire Thunder (and maybe some other differences, I don't know). The very first ones off the line used the MAX1044 charge pump, but many of those ended up going back for repair since the 1044 is VERY fussy about the max voltage. Anything over 10.00v will blow that chip, so using suspect (read "cheap") power suplies usually do them in. The one I traced already had the LT1054 mod done to it. Since this is all SMD, the transistors don't carry any markings that would reveal what they are, but I would go with 2N2222's with gains in the 120 to 140 range. Playing with it, the Superfuzz side sounds fairly open, not too compressed, so I don't believe they're anything too high gain.
Some of the values that are in parenthesis are measured in place, versus typical values. Of course, the measured in place values may be affected by the surrounding topology, so some subbing may be required here to get the right value. There was no way that I was going to start desoldering SMD parts to get an accurate read.
We have a DEFX board in production now, but we did away with all the relay bypass stuff. Simple Mill2 bypass is plenty fine. Once we get the board validated, it'll be at the store. In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to see a vero layout of this rarity out there, so have at it boys and girls!