Devi Ever Year Of The Rat

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Devi Ever Year Of The Rat

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Here's is one I actually had to trace from an original Soda Meiser PCB I got from Devi herself a long time ago. What it look like it is, is a modded SM, you replace all the 100nF with 20nF (or more common 22nF), remove the chaos capacitor, replace the 2N2907A with two 100nF capacitors and finally connect a 1K resistor between Collectors of Q1 and Q3. I will include the schematic since it hasn't been around as far as I know.

Again, thanks IvIark for his SM layout, it made this easier to make, and all the other DE layouts I've been posting. This layout is verified.

Description from
Clean boost with fuzz undertone.  Works well with bass, guitar, vocals, synths, drums, and anything else you can run through it.

FullThrottleDemos demo

