Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

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Devi Ever diyinfo pdf


does anyone still have the devieverdiyinfo pdf?

Unfortunately I've lost my "copy" because my hard disk died and now I'm trying to search it without any results

Thanks so much
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

Thanks dude! I will! :)
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

Thanks for posting this. It put me in the mood to do a monster devi combo
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

LOL, I have to admit... I may have built a few quad-devi boxes in the past.  :)
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

Yea, this will be my 2nd. I got started with her circuits due to the simplicity. I've cloned about 70 pedals now and have come full circle to realizing that I actually like them more than many of the complex fuzzes. They just have a nice raw quality.
Currently I'm in the midst of the new combo that will runn input to output as follows:
Disaster/ Krackle (switchable)-> Sodameiser/ VFM (switchable with noise and chaos switches)-> Aenima/ Torn's Peaker (switchable with osc switch) -> Goddess Zero (with noise and chos switches)
This chain will allow for the creation of:
Dream Mangler, Shoe Gazer and Godzilla combos as well as the bastard children of numerous other combinations. I really wanted to fit the Hyperion 2 in at the end but could only reasonably fit four stomp switches in. If all goes as planned there will be 8 pots, 8 toggles and the 4 foot switches.
Although it is going to take up a fair amount of space, it will serve my guitar and synths as well as being its own crazy noise box with multiple sources of tunable oscillation.
I have mostly used Marks layouts in conjunction with the PDF notes to add extra flexability in the circuits.
I've payed it all out on DIYLC and will prob post them once I verify it all jives.
Wish me luck.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

has anyone got a schemo (basically just a wiring layout i guess) or even gut shots for the devi eye of god? it's not in the pdf probably becasue it's so basic. i know it's essentially just a feedback looper with a ldr tacked in, but i'm not sure where it is tacked in and if anything else is involved. i know it's supposed to be flawed in that when you turn it off it cuts your chain, easily fixed with a switch i think.
i've got all the beavis looper info which is my foundation but looking for cute tricks to make my looper more interesting.
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

thanks for that synsound. i thought i had most of hers but that one slipped through the net.
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

Any time
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

Hallo, excuses for resurrecting the post, but I was looking at the scheme/wiring of Eye of God and I don't understand how it works,  If we are using a led and a ldr, wouldn't we need some voltage for the Led to work with? Or am I missing something important? Thank you,
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

The only voltage needed would be for the power indicator LED. The LDR is mounted outside of the enclosure to be manipulated by ambient light. You could then wave your foot next to it to create variations.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Devi Ever diyinfo pdf

Thanks for the information, seems something interesting, I was looking for a looper  and this seems to offer some more. By the way, using the led from the bypass, could something like this be built to work with the ldr? I`m talking about the pics in that post from diystompboxes, not the circuit project,
 Thank you,