Diamante Compressor Plus

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Diamante Compressor Plus

A few people have asked for a version of Fred's Diamante but with the tilt EQ so I put together a layout using the same principles Fred used with the original i.e because I needed to add another IC, I replaced the transistor buffer in the tilt section with an opamp buffer to make use of the second side of the tilt opamp.  Also because the tilt is inverting I've also made the buffer inverting to put the output back in phase.  It probably won't matter in most cases but thought that if a bassist used it with a blend pedal then you may get some cancellation if the section remained inverting.

Does any of our resident experts see any problem with the way I've done this?  Suggestions?

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Re: Diamante Compressor Plus

i think it looks fan-freakin-tastic mark. i'll take a look at it with the schematic and see if i find any errors, but so far it looks good to me.  
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Re: Diamante Compressor Plus

I was holding off posting this until the Diamante got verified, but now it has at least we know that bit is ok, and I think the buffer and tilt section should be good to go.  I just noticed the schematic of the original tilt EQ circuit from the stereo preamp, and that uses an inverting buffer too (although the way I have it here will give it a higher input impedance but I can't see that being a problem) so I reckon this is good to go.  I think I'll just add it to the bottom of the Diamante thread