Diamante Compressor question

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Diamante Compressor question


I built the board (second one with the EQ) and am in the process of drilling and finishing the box for this compressor.  I can't figure out what the EQ switch does so I don't know how to label it before clearcoating the box.  I had asked in another thread but I think the question was skipped over because to my knowledge it wasn't ever answered.

Can someone tell me what the EQ switch does?  Does it disable the EQ completely, or does it function like the Diamond Bass Compressor where it changes the center of the tilt frequency from 900Hz to 250Hz?
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Re: Diamante Compressor question

Yes it takes the Tilt EQ section completely out of circuit.
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Re: Diamante Compressor question

Got it.  Thanks!

If I want to just have the eq always on, saving myself a switch, what would I need to do?  Connect Eqsw1 to eqsw2 on the board, and 3&5 to 4?

Edit:  One more question... The tilt EQ work that JohnK and YerayM did uses a B50K rather than B100K.  I ran YerayM's calculator and using a B100K ends up with 10dB on bass boost and 7.8dB treble boost rather than the 6dB with the 50K.  Any reason why you used 100K?  I'm going to use it because I'd rather have the extra boost but just curious where the B100K came from.
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Re: Diamante Compressor question

The values I used were correct for the Diamond.  John used a 3rd party Tilt EQ scheme and kept to those values