Diefet problem - low volume and gain, sounds thin

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Re: Diefet problem - low volume and gain, sounds thin

Sensei Tim wrote
I don't want to sound like a broken record but... Smd with through hole
adapters. No fuss, no muss.

On Friday, April 8, 2016, Travis [via Guitar FX Layouts] <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> Most of us are buying the SMD J201 from chromosphere's shop I think. I
> haven't seen any reports of issues with those, and they've worked very well
> for me.
> I think smallbear is always safe if you're in the US. They have
> through-hole J201 for $0.55 each. I've always gotten good parts from them
> and I'm sure Steve would take care of you in the unlikely event of an issue
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Well compared to an in-spec through-hole part it's obviously a fussy muss to solder up all of the SMD boards

I just checked out your Diefet demo and man it sounds awesome!! It seems like it has really low noise for so much gain, huh? I'm gonna have to build one
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Re: Diefet problem - low volume and gain, sounds thin

In reply to this post by Beaker
Use this as a flux to fix the components.

I think the principle is equivalent.
otherwise it will buy! I certainly need stability while using soldering iron with SMD.
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Re: Diefet problem - low volume and gain, sounds thin

Sensei Tim
I think you guys are making this a bit more difficult than it needs to be.

When I am ready to mount the smd, I take my soldering iron and touch the gate pad on the adaptor board and put a touch of solder on it so the pad is covered.

Then I use tweezers to place the jfet on the board so the pin that would go on tha pad that I just put solder on is right beside it.  I heat the solder on the pad and then slide th jfet into place so the other two pins align over the pads properly.  Remove the soldering iron and th solder freezes and holds the jfet in place so I can solder the other two legs. I go back and reflow the original bond and maybe add a touch more solder to it.

I've never used solder paste or flux paste for smds.
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Re: Diefet problem - low volume and gain, sounds thin

I'm not saying you are wrong Tim, everyone finds a method that they are happy with. But I find it much easier to solder these with the flux paste, Smear a tiny amount on the pads, drop the JFET in place and press it down a little, then solder. Job done. No need to hold it in place or anything.

The flux cost a couple of quid, and should last me years.
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Re: Diefet problem - low volume and gain, sounds thin

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
I use pretty much the same method as Tim, except I don't slide the jfet onto the pad. I place the pin directly on the solder and reheat it while holding the jfet down with a pair of tweezers.

Like Tim, I then solder the other two pins, and finally come back to the first pin to reflow some fresh solder

It's not a big deal, but obviously inconvenient compared to the through hole parts. It would be great to get some PCBs made for through hole passives and SMD JFETs but until then at least the SMD JFETs plus adapter boards are a safe and relatively inexpensive option