Diesel Diefet Demo

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Diesel Diefet Demo

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I worked a long time to get this right, and some magic happened when I boxed it (not sure why, but I think it has to do with grounding and maybe the capacitance of a breadboard.)

Anyway - here is the short demo with a LONGER DEMO below. I recorded this on my Zoom R24 using the cheap built in mics - from about 9 feet away from the amp - so I do not get a auto-leveling of the audio from my video camera. So - the clean sound is quiet but the pedal is a lot louder - don't turn up your computer:



By the way - thanks to everyone who helped me - the key seems to have been getting the right grounding on the volume pot - as you guys said.
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Re: Diesel Diefet Demo

Sounds great!  Nice playing too.  Chords did sound a little muddy though (not your playing... the tone), which is certainly not what I'd expect from a Diezel.  Could you perhaps try some metal style palm-mute/chugging on that thing?  A good example of what I would expect from the pedal is something like Muse from the Black Holes era songs.  Just looking to determine if it's worth building if I'm going after that true Diezel sound.
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Re: Diesel Diefet Demo

Thanx for compliments. This pedal has a LOT of low end but it isn't really "tight" low end (its more like J-lo).

But I think that if you focus on it you could dial in that low end, between your amp and the pedal you can definitely get it. I am not a metal player and have never heard of that song, but I will see if I have time to do that.
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New Demo for you

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In reply to this post by negativefx
Here is a new demo - more bass included, and I run through the knobs:  I turn the volume way up at 7:00 - just so you know.

