Ditto Looper type thing

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Ditto Looper type thing

I really want to build a loop recorder.  The Ditto Looper uses digital conversion, but I'm sure you guys can come up with an analog only version!  Here is what I have found:


It uses:  20-second recording module, part #276-1323 from Radio Shack.

I am NOT sure if it will allow multiple overlapping loops. (see comment below)

I'm imagining this with an output pot to control the looping level.

The link above, the guy was having problems getting it to allow his signal to play over the top of the recorded loop.  You guys could figure out how to add in a mixer stage, I'm sure!

One of the comments that perked my interest was: "Cool project! I built something like this about 20 years ago, using a bucket-brigade audio delay line. I had it set up with a mic input and headphones out. I also had a pot to send a variable amount of the output back to the input. It made some really neat echoes that repeated for a long time with the distortion growing with each repeat. Very freaky! It was fun to try to read a book while listening to my delayed/echoed voice. Almost impossible to read beyond the first few words... TD"
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Re: Ditto Looper type thing

Here's another link that may be helpful:


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Re: Ditto Looper type thing
