Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

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Pots don't really bother me, as I use the ones from Tayda that have condoms.
On the other hand, I hate toggle switches and more than 1 is already too many for me
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

The problem is I have 100 pots but if there is a project with 4 pots, at least one will be a value I don't have for one reason or another.  I like switches, though.  A or B or nothing - nice and simple
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

In reply to this post by alltrax74
My problem with pots is not if they have condoms or not, but to add about 25 wires more.

If besides this, each of the wires that go to the same pot come from three opposite rows of the vero, it drives me MAD.

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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

Yeah but Miro and Mark's veros are awesome in that matter so
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

I wish Harald's ones were the same way too :P

Well, not in my mind to criticise Sabro's layouts, he really dares to aproach many circuits really hard to be set on vero, and sometimes the wiring is a real PITA, but that's the price to pay if you want to build effects that no one else dares to offer / design. And some of the small veros are really superb, like the Fuzz Factory, Roger Mayer Octavia or the King of Tone ones.

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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Surgeon wrote
I got through one of those lately. I built a bunch of pedals but realized that I got bored of always building the same "types of pedals"... ODs, although available in a zillion flavors always pretty much sound alike, except for some slight nuances, which usually disappear as soon as you're playing with somebody else (as opposed to being alone with your guitar and amp). Distortions are a bit more varied but again, they can get repetitive.
That's spot on how I've been thinking/feeling aswell.. Built alof of different OD's and distortions and got tired of doing the same thing over and over. Last week I built a Barber Dirty Bomb that sounds good, but it's nothing new...I'm probabably not even gonna box it (for now anyway).

Gonna build a few crazy effects and fuzzes now insted and i'm really looking forward to it! :)

Btw, I really enjoy the offboard wiring.. :P Drilling the enclosures are the least fun part for me..
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

Seems we see eye to eye on this one...

I think I'm pretty much done with ODs. I've got the OD-1 and BD-2 on my list but afterwards I'm not sure... I like building the expensive/hard to find ones but it's gonna take a lot for me to build another one I think.

May I suggest building the "toecutter" from RfNR fsb... the vero leaves a bit to be desired (I'm thinking of requesting it from mark or miro for improvements) but it's definitely a quite different sounding fuzz. The trannies can be a bit hard to find (GT313). Got 'em on ebay from goredelux and they took 3 months to arrive. However, the fuzz itself is amazingly different and interesting.
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

The problem is that dirt pedals are way easier to build, and more vero friendly than modulations and other kind of pedals, so here and in many pther webs, the dirt effects outnumber any other kind.

I'm lucky that I love fuzzes, and as Miro says, you can never have enough fuzzes :P

But if you get tired od overdrives, fuzzes and distortions, there are many other places to find great projects and effects.

Take in mind too that if the circuit is huge, and there are many IC's, the effect gets hard to be put on vero, so you'll have to get pcb's.

Sabro's got a number of interesting effects no dirt related, and on FSB and some other webs, there are lots of layouts than will  never be present here, as Miro's and Mark's method is clear: no standing components, and 1590B friendly board, so other effects but noise pedals are highly reduced. Would be fine to see an Electric Mistress on vero :P

BR and enjoy!
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

In reply to this post by Surgeon
I definitely agree about the od's etc. The main reason I don't tend to go for overdrives is that I've never and never will find one that beats the tubes in my amp. Fuzzes are great because you can't get that sound from your amp. Dual pedals is helping keeping me interested. Last build was a Honey Bee and I was very impressed by it. But still, not a patch on my Amps overdrive. All I use is a Meathead and a Modded Rangemaster.
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

IMO, the Fairfield Barbershop does a great overdriven amp-like tone and better than a lot of amp's overdrive.
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

I have lots of respect for Fairfield, lived quite close to Guillaume for 10 years without even realizing it. If I ever have his pedals on my board, they'll be original... I agree that they sound interesting and the barbershop is a great sounding unit.
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

Surgeon, thanks for the tip regarding the toecutter!
I'm gonna give it a go using GT308 transistors.
Maybe I'll do my own layout to make it 1590B friendly.

Speaking of the Barbershop, I love it! Easily in the top 5 overdrives for me.
I actually used it in the studio yesterday on bass, sounded ace!

Funny thing yesterday.. The guitarplayer wanted a ac/dc marshall type of sound, but unfortunarly my 70's Marshall JMP 2203 head is in for repairs. So insted we used a Wampler Plexidrive - fender bassman 68' Silverface head - 2x12 cab with eminence Cannabis Rex speakers and he loved it.
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

In reply to this post by alltrax74
Sir, yes sir! I wake up in the morning, go to my workshop (which is the next room in this new house me and my girlfriend moved to recently) where I have a lot of space. In the garage I do all the spraying.

I'm getting a small sandblasting cabinet later this week so that I can do that at home as well. I used to do it at my in laws place.

Also, since I do all the artwork using a CO2 Epilog laser, I have to go to this place (which takes me 20 minutes one way to drive) to use their laser (for free).

I'm talking to a guy who can get me a 25+% discount on one of these machines so I'm working on buying one so that I can be 100% self-sustainable at home. The laser is expensive but I'm applying for a grant, which will only cover about 1/4th of the cost and I'll also start an Indigogo project (same as kickstarter) to get some money. My goal is to buy it before December 1st.

Also, at the moment I have a brilliant guy from Finland who's designing PCB boards for my standard pedals so that I can build them much much quicker.

ps. I LIKE offboard wiring
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

In reply to this post by Freppo
Burned out a little- that's why I started bread boarding/creating & making modular synths.  Breaks it up and keeps me fresh.  Just finished a proper theremin...
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

Peeps: Wow, that's cool! I've been building a few other things to mix it up: A few micpreamps (CAPI), a compressor (Hairball 1176 rev A) and a small mixer. Been thinking about building a simple synth aswell, maybe Paul's Devils Triangle. Like the doomy sound of it.. :)

I built the Toecutter today with GT308's (3 matched ones that all measured 64 hfe), and it sounds great!
Thanks for the tip! This one will definitly be boxed soon. :)

It was a bit tedious to interpret the schematic to the existing vero layout and the layout had a small error, but I managed to spot it before soldering. I'm gonna add a Big Muff tone control at the end. It's very loud so the drop from the tonestack should not be a problem.

/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: Do you ever get tired/burnt out building?

Glad you like it! There was indeed a small mistake (had to drop c10's leg one row and cut next to it) but folks underlined it in the discussion about it so it was indeed easy to spot.
I also addes a dpdt switch before the board's input. Rnfr suggested adding a 100k pot there i. Order to increase resistance when usin umbuckers. I built it then used a 100k pot to find the sweetspot with my hb-equipped guitars. I then just put a dpdt in series with the input with a jumper on 1 side and the closest resistor value to what my pot read on e removed from the circuit. Faster and more idiot-proof than a pot, apthough less flexible...