Dod FX84 Milk Box

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Dod FX84 Milk Box


I found this Dod FX84 compressor on the freestomp boxes site (pdf attached)

I looked around on the site but I think the project stopped at the schematic.

I actually have one and it would be well worth it, it has a lovely long attack available to stop the transients being too squashed. I hope some one fancies a crack at making the vero layout


On the site they do say there were a couple of minor errors and im not sure if these were updated on the schematic

quote: "I traced out your schem - good job I must say. It's a rather annoying circuit to trace (or maybe that is just me and my feeling about tracing in general).

Can you update your schematic to reflect the corrections noted above?

MY trace confirmed that (per your schematic component labeling, not MY board's labeling):
IC1.1 pin 1 is Vref
pin 3 IC4.1 and pin 5 IC4.2 connect to Vref
IC5.2 pins 6 and 7 are connected, and are connected to D5, but NOT to pin 3 of IC4.1 and pin 5 IC4.2

Also, not noted here, the ATTACK pot, VR1 - the CCW side of that pot and the wiper are joined. In other words, the attack pot is a variable resistor, not a voltage divider. Following, C21 and the A (anode) side of D5 are always directly connected to the Collector of Q4, Q5, and the Gate of Q6.

It would be cool if the schematics component labels for semiconductors and those components (most of the capacitors) matched the labeling on the board, but I was able to trace it out, and your pin-numbers were very helpful...I don't know that I would have done this from the ground up like you did, so thank you very much!!"