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Double Effect Wiring Plus Looper Accessiblity

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Double Effect Wiring Plus Looper Accessiblity

66 posts

I am building a pedal for a fellow who has a specific set of needs, and I wanted to see if anyone here had built one like this before.  The guy wants a pedal with two different overdrive circuits that can be selected via an A/B switch, and then have a master bypass. So one stomp for the on and off of the pedal, and then one stomp for switching between two overdrives.  I've seen that one done before, and asked that same question many moons ago and Virgil helped me out with that one.  This guy also wants both of the overdrives to be accessible via a looper pedal, in case he decides to use one down the road.  I was thinking of using the stereo switiching jacks from TAYDA  and wiring them up as shown below.  In and out jacks go where the Xs are and I've only shown one input, but I would do the output and other set in the same fashion.  I just left them out along with the power to clean up the image a bit.  Does anyone see a reason this would not work, or cause noise?  Any better options out there for such a thing?