Drain voltage for Goosonique's Seventheaven?

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Drain voltage for Goosonique's Seventheaven?

Frederic Erikson
I tried different common voltage between 4 and 5 volts as advised by Mark. I've never been able to get rid of this shrill tone. I'm now convinced the JFET are differently supplied. Would someone know the accurate voltage at the drain of every J201 in the Goosonique's Seventheaven?
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Re: Drain voltage for Goosonique's Seventheaven?

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi there. you can measure the voltage after the first 100r from 9V and then apply the half of it at the drain of q4

q2-3 have the same supply here.as you can see on the layout, it's that 100r+100r before each trimmer.messure the voltage after the second 100r and apply the half of it at the drains of q2 and q3.
now for q1 do the same after the third 100r

but never go exactly by the rules.
you should try and fine tune it by ear a little bit.
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Re: Drain voltage for Goosonique's Seventheaven?

Frederic Erikson
Hi, I had already done by that rule but it didn't help me get rid of that schrill tone. Someone submitted the idea of tweaking 3 caps with larger values but didn't specifically say it'd fix it up. I might try that. It's a pitty, I built up 20 pedals and this one is some kind of failure. Thanks anyway!