Drone Lab Casper electronics

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Drone Lab Casper electronics

Hi guys. I'm new here and this is my first post. I've already checked the previous posts, but I didn't find anything. There are schematics and part list, but I'm a greenhorn. It's hard to me to find out how to put it on board. So if there is someone so kind to write down the stripboard I'll be for ever thankful.
Here is the schematic: http://casperelectronics.com/drone-lab-schematic/
And here's a demo: http://youtu.be/tpvMZHiOkGw
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

With 4 large ICs, 15 transistors and God knows how many pots & switches it would be a huge job to draw it.
I've done some large layouts but they were nothing compare to this.
It's possible but i think you would need a very large box at the end.
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

I know it a colossal work. The place to put it in it's not the problem. On the site there's another schematic with the single parts (http://casperelectronics.com/images/finishedpieces/droner/Drone%20Lab%20single%20schematics-2.jpg). Even made  single parts and then assembly together..
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

I think the first one was the correct one.
God! It has 25 pots and 10 switches!
It is possible to do it but the problem is that it would take ages to draw it, I think it would be too big for anybody else on the forum to be interested in and it's not something I would personally build (it would not be verified and you would have to take a risk without any proper help)
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

albru80 wrote
I think the first one was the correct one.
It has 25 pots and 10 switches!
I could try to do it but the problem is that it would take ages to draw it, I think it would be too big for anybody else on the forum to be interested in and it's not something I would personally build (it would not be verified and you would have to take a risk)
The first it's for the upgraded version (v2). That one would be a complete waste of time.. What about the second one (it should have 15 pots or something) ? Is it easier than the first one to write on board?
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

In reply to this post by Alex
I only have 1590Bs left on hand.  Can you squeeze it into a 22x22?  I wanna try out a few (25) 3mm pots. :)
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

It may be larger than that I guess. In a demo the enclosure is a bit larger..
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi man!
that's really big staff to draw.
i've done some big layouts, but this one is a pain in the ass.

i've build this one twice and would never build it again for under 300euros!!!


you can check "paul in the lab" who has done some great droners already in vero and verified!
there is a link at the main site.
hope i helped
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

Thanks man. Last question. Where can I find the vero for the one you built?
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi edo.
just follow the link above.
tomorrow i'll upload the layouts.
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Re: Drone Lab Casper electronics

You made the kind of synth I was looking for. Thanks man!!!