Drone generator.

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Drone generator.

Does anyone want to take a stab at this? I've drawn it up on paper, but it looks like a dogs dinner still, so a neater layout would be appreciated. The chips are stupidly cheap, and  I would like to try to add this to a fuzz.

Description from Beavis Audio:

Drone Oscillators
Many months ago I added a simple mixer and an opamp function generator to a big muff pi. The result was a tunable oscillator that I could riff along with. What could be better than a drone oscillator? Why, two drone oscillators of course. This simple design uses a 40106 Schmitt Trigger chip to create two tunable tone sources.

Drone generator

Thanks for looking guys!
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Re: Drone generator.

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I drew this up some time ago but have not built it yet, so this is unverified! This is a quad-oscillator, and you can also use the left over pins to make an LFO! If you just want to make a dual, build half the layout and ground the unused inputs. Maybe you can let me know if it works? :)

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Re: Drone generator.

Thank you, that looks great.
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Re: Drone generator.

I know this is a long shot but.. Have you had any luck implementing this ? Thanks.
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Re: Drone generator.

IMO you should look at schematics of simpler noise generators that already were verified.
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Re: Drone generator.

Maybe I'm blind but I can't find any on the forum, not simple ones at least.

Also the reason I'm looking at 40106 based generator specifically is to replicate an out of production pedal as a gift for a friend.
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Re: Drone generator.

Take a look at the "quantum defrakulator" by Parasit Studio, it's a nice drone generator!