Dual Effect

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Dual Effect

I'm fairly new to effects building but done some basic projects and have been successful so far. I'm like to attempt a dual effect, combining a Reverb with an Overdrive in the same pedal, using 1 bypass switch, 1 DC input and 1 in and 1 out jack socket to operate the two effects. Has anyone attempted this and what if any are the pitfalls, curious to hear anyone's experience.
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Re: Dual Effect

Apart from extra effort involved in soldering up two boards, and fitting two boards into a single enclosure, there shouldn't be any major issues to consider. If you are hardwiring it so both effects are engaged at the same time, I assume it will go overdrive->reverb. It this case, you might want to consider how you will implement the volume control (I.e. volume control on output of overdrive before reverb input so you can avoid overdriven the input of the reverb, but do you then need a second master output control after the reverb?).

As more general advice, I would urge you to wire up the boards to try them out together first before you put a drill anywhere near an enclosure.
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Re: Dual Effect

Understood, thanks for that.