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Dual Offboard Wiring Question

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Dual Offboard Wiring Question

Papa Rob
2 posts
Hi guys,

I'm a long time reader, first time poster (pardon the cliched introduction). I've been considering building myself a pedal with two kinds of Big Muffs in it to simplify the number of pedals I use in a live setting. Now I've seen IvIark's "Dual Offboard Wiring" diagram on the main page but I'm wondering if my current plan will split the current a little too thin.

The issue is, I want my two Big Muff versions in there but I also want each of them to have their own "Split & Blend" circuit attached to them as they're for bass. The muffs I'm building already have fairly good bass response but I'm a fan of a blend circuit regardless.

So with two muff boards and two split/blend boards all in there riding off the one 9v supply am I thinning out the current to each board too much or would that still work? If it doesn't, I guess I have to decide if I'd prefer to put two DC jacks on it or just use to bloody enclosures.

Thanks for any advice. Oh, and this seemed like the most appropriate section of the forum to post this to me but please tell me off if I'm wrong.

P.S. I'm building a "Tall Font" Green Muff and a Sanford & Sonny Bluebeard Fuzz (a mod of the Violet Ram's Head Muff). Thanks very much to the kind people who created those layouts.
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Re: Dual Offboard Wiring Question

130 posts
Hey man,
I'm no expert in this field but I recently looked up rating of some pedals - Muffs are said to draw between 1.5-6 mA (rule of thumb), 3 mA (DoubleMuff) and 24 mA (MetalMuff with top boost).
Don't know about the Split'n Blend - but cannot imagine it draws a lot.

So I think you should be safe with a standard power supply - they deliver 100 mA or more.
But some more knowledgeable people around here might have more to say on that.

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Re: Dual Offboard Wiring Question

313 posts
*Insert cliche welcome here* :)

Yeah, no problem there. Each circuit will have what it needs.

In my experience for a double project you should consider using a huminator (look it up). I also use some anti-popping method for the LEDs just to be sure they won't cause any troubles. You can see said methods here.
Also be prepared to do some testing and replacing on those blends, they don't always behave the way we want. I found them to be more usable when I use matched jfets, that could be my imagination though :)
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Re: Dual Offboard Wiring Question

Papa Rob
2 posts
Ah okay, thanks very much for both your replies. That helps a lot. As for the issue with the split/blends I'll be sure to keep an ear out for it as I've not done much with them before. I have a decent supply of SMD J201's and adapter boards so I have a little room to play around looking for good results.

And thanks for the link, Zanius. I'll check that out.