Dual overdrive problem

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Dual overdrive problem

Hey guys,

I’ve got an interesting problem. Basically, I have a dual overdrive (2 maxon od808’s) in the works. I want to design it where it’s a single footswitch that turns both on at the same time and off at the same time. I’ve got everything wired up, but I think my connections maybe incorrect or maybe it’s underpowered.
I get sound when it’s engaged, but its weak (quiet) and the controls seem a bit off (on the first overdrive they work correctly, but on the second they work in reverse). It certainly doesn’t sound like when I run 2 od808’s cascaded together on my pedalboard. It sounds anemic.

Do I need to run it at 18v or something? i.e. 9v isn’t enough to power two overdrives at the same time? Or are my connections just incorrect?  Here’s the makeshift diagram I’ve been working off. I’ve successfully made single pedals in the past, but maybe I’m missing something when I try to combine 2 into one chassis.

Thanks in advance!

Here's a link to the full size diagram:

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Re: Dual overdrive problem

Your switching diagram will work for what you are trying to do.

If a pot is working backwards, then you reversed the connections to lug 1 and lug 3 on that pot. Switch the wires going to lugs 1 and 3 on those pots and they will work normally.

It sounds like you have another error in your build, but your switching diagram will work
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Re: Dual overdrive problem

Thank you for the quick reply Travis!

I'll make those pot changes and take another look to try and find out where I messed up.

thanks again :)