Dumb Tagboard wiring question / 2 wires from 1 hole?

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Dumb Tagboard wiring question / 2 wires from 1 hole?


I feel a little stupid for asking this. Please take a look at these veros from this site
Red Snapper 4-Knob
and explain to me what "Brilliance 2 & Volume 3" on the Screwdriver means, for example.
Are there two wires from that one hole, one to Brilliance 2, the other to Volume 3, or does the wire go to Brilliance 2, and then from there to Volume 3.
Same for "Volume 2 & Output" etc.

Thank you!
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Re: Dumb Tagboard wiring question / 2 wires from 1 hole?

" or does the wire go to Brilliance 2, and then from there to Volume 3."

Yes, you've got it right.

One wire from the board to the pot lug, and then another wire from that lug to the next one indicated.

"Same for "Volume 2 & Output" etc. "

In this case run a wire from volume pot lug 2  to the "board output in" lug on your stomp switch, then another wire from the stomp switch's "output lug to out jack"

Check the offboard wiring page - you will get the idea.
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Re: Dumb Tagboard wiring question / 2 wires from 1 hole?

Thought so.
Thank you!!