Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

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Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

The new Dwarfcraft She Fuzz schematic was just posted a few days ago on FSB if anyone wanted to take a shot at making a layout. The biggest difference is the extra toggle switch that appears to possibly change the starve foot switch from latching to momentary(?). I guess you could just replace the latching switch to momentary. The new schematic also shows the texture (magic) pot as B100kninstead of B1m which might work better.

Here’s the link to the thread with the schematic:
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

I've made a layout based on the new schematic. But one resistor value is missing and there are 2 caps in series (?) and also the polarity of the electros is missing.. Let me know if you build it!
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

sorry VOL 2 to OUT
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

In reply to this post by andrea83
and sorry about the colours.. the last DIYLC has some bugs to fix..
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

That was fast. Thanks. It looks like the Hex switch could just be bypassed and just use the Magic switch.  Looks pretty much identical to the original otherwise. I might have everything except for the momentary switch, I’ll have to give it a shot. Thanks, I’ll keep you posted.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

I have all the parts except the momentary switch. Based on the original I’m guessing the missing resistor value is 4.7k. The electros look right (I compared your layout to an older one) and I think volume 1 and 3 need swapping. I’ll give it a shot over the weekend.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

I’m having a hard time following the wiring for the magic and hex switches. I would think lug 5 of the magic switch would go to the board and the spells pot would just connect to the switch. That way the spells pot could be bypassed. I could be wrong though.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

In reply to this post by squirrels
Yes volume 1 and 3 need swapping. I thought the same, but I made it exactly as the schematic wanted.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

In reply to this post by squirrels
Yes in that way the spell pot could be bypassed, only in one position of the magic DPDT, but I don't know the pedal very much so I don't know if it's really that way in the original one. I will try to check it!
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

Ok, built it and it works except for the stab switch. Looks like Stab one doesn’t connect to anything. It should go from the 33uf cap to the base of Q2. All of the electros are oriented correctly and from what I can tell the missing resistor value is 4.7k the hex and magic switches work as shown but I need a momentary switch. If I can get the stab switch sorted it should be good to go.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

Maybe I can put the LED on a switch and just put the anode to the right of the 33uf and cathode to Q2 base?
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

Or is it just supposed to put an LED between the base and collector of Q2?
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

...which is what it is already doing. That looks OK on the layout then. I’ll look over my build some more. Maybe I made an error somewhere.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

Ok. Recycled parts are becoming a problem. Put in a new stab switch. Works perfectly. Still need to get the momentary stomp switch but in the mean time it works perfectly. I used a B10k for now, need to order a B2k and see if that does anything different. Thanks andrea83, I really appreciate it.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

This post was updated on .
You're welcome! I'm glad it works! I put the verified tag on it and changed the colours and the volume pot numbers.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

but it's not 12 cuts.. it's 10!
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

I forgot to mention the cuts. The pedal has red LEDs too. Interesting pedal, it covers a lot of ground from straight fuzz to octaves to glitchy weirdness.  Thanks again.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)


here you are the definitive version! I hope not to have missed something else!
You made me curious about it, I have to build it!
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

It’s an interesting one. Does a nice aggressive somewhat normal fuzz, glitchy octave fuzz and weird oscillation.
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Re: Dwarfcraft She Fuzz (new version)

Ok, I added the momentary switch and it works perfectly. The hex switch will either add the magic (momentary) switch to the circuit or bypass it to keep the spells pot active. Definitely a nice addition to the circuit. Thanks again.