EHX Muff Fuzz Opamp great for 30 seconds, then...

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EHX Muff Fuzz Opamp great for 30 seconds, then...

Built this fuzz, and it sounds great for a bit, then a light hiss and it dies. I then unplug the input (which in turn unplugs the battery) and plug it back in, and all is well for another 30 seconds. I socketed the IC in case there may be a problem with it. Diodes?
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz Opamp great for 30 seconds, then...

Found it. Bad solder joint...feel kind of dumb, but happy I'm up and running. Sounds like I remember my old Muff fuzz back in the 80's, before I could afford a master volume amp. Loves humbuckers, and single coils are a little trebly, but I can adjust that.