EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

Super easy. Take a look below,

For transistors, you only need to test base to ground, collector to ground, and emitter to ground. So negative lead on ground, positive lead to each leg.

Or for IC's, you're going to do the same basic thing, but instead of each transistor leg you test each IC leg. So you'll put the negative lead on ground, positive lead to each leg. Make sure you check the pinout for the IC so you can label each leg correctly.
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Re: EHX Muff Fuzz help (noob)

Right i you, I think....

1- 3.81
2 - 3.86
3 - 2.89
4 - 0
5 - 2.89
6 - 3.85
7 - 4.23
8 - 7.55

That was reading with the negative lead at ground. pins 3 and 5 bot started at around 3.75 then dropped to 2.89. not sure if they were meant to or not

I'm glad i re-read your post, i was just about to send then i realised the pinouts were counter-clockwise