EHX original Big Muff - fixing and messing around

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EHX original Big Muff - fixing and messing around

Tune Tone
Hey all
I had a long afternoon trying to figure out the reason for the unstable connection of my friends original Big Muff. We are talking about a very classic big muff that is made nowadays .. it was bought 2 years a go. The one with the red LED.
Eventually one problem was solved. A small drop of signal was applied when the effect was engaged. For that I simply replaced the 3PDT switch. During the de-soldering and sucking the old solder I notice I do a bit of a damage to the original 3PDT pcb from EHX. I decided to let go of this board and do the wiring the good ol' oldskool way I skilled with. Now we assume there is a bit of lower volume. Should it have something to do with what I did ?
The flow is now better and there is no tiny drop and fall of signal after the effect is engaged. Which is good. Then again we fear that a new problem was born.
We fear the unbalance of the signal might relay on the effect's enclouser. As some know the classic Big Muff are a combination of 2 thin steel pieces that create a box that is easily stretched. Once we stretch the box a bit at some point the signal is completely lost. The LED is still shining

I was wondering if any of you have experience with this or can generally tell me how can I modify this big muff to get a greater Volume again.
Sorry for the chaos of writing this message it is simply all conclusions of today's circuit bending with the effect and hopefully someone can share the frustration and offer some tips and solutions.


PICTURE OF THE OLD 3PDT PCB OF EHX (unfortunately  my friends went away before I made it to take a picture of the new wiring I did which basically just follow the function the small PCB.. no special changes)
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Re: EHX original Big Muff - fixing and messing around

From the Big muffs I've built, a B100k volume pot is MUCH louder than the A100k.. maybe something to consider..