EHX soul food od

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EHX soul food od

Would love to see an EHX Soulfood OD vero here.
Also,I don't see any flanger builds here.Am I overlooking them or are there not any done yet?would love to see a flanger build too
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Re: EHX soul food od

Neil mcNasty
It's a KLON!

There are several layouts on this site...

Regarding Flangers (from the "read before posting a request" post):

 2. Size of the project? Some designs are much better suitable for PCBs. Saddly, that includes all flangers i've seen so far. Our goal is to keep the board sizes sane. Meaning that the board should fit in 1590B sized box. We have our OCDs, which prevent us from placing axial components standing on boards. If the design has two 16 pin CD4*** chips on it, it probably won't be doable. If the design has 12 transistors, not including switching and buffering, it probably won't be doable. If the design calls for four dual opamps, it probably won't be doable.

But low and behold... There are some nutcases that do Flanger veros. Like this one:
Bug-fixing a board like this... Good luck!!!
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Re: EHX soul food od

Ahhhhhh.....I see.Thanks.
Looks like I'll be buying a flanger at some point then.Catalinbread just released a pretty interesting one.
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Re: EHX soul food od

Someone had a request for this when the soulfood just came out, I actually bought one and took some pics of it. Yes it is a klon with 2 differences. The first is the buffer is switchable, so you can either have the famous klon buffer or true bypass, which imho the buffer should always be used, to my ears if was lifeless without it. The second is the diodes are Si instead of Ge, this makes it a little angrier and raunchy IMHO. So you can make a klon and make these changes and make the soulfood.