EM Drive Problem (solved)

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EM Drive Problem (solved)

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Just built the EM drive, and put it into a 1590a box. It's my first 1590a build and I got something odd that I can't figure out.

When the pedal is engaged I get nothing but static, but I can control the volume. I checked continuity, and noticed that when the pedal is engaged there is no connection between input and output. But, by mistake I touched the box while testing continuity of the output and I got continuity, so it seems that the output jack is grounding. I've checked all the wiring, and board and can't find anything wrong. I'm going to make an audio-probe to further check, but not sure what to look for with it.

Everything is wired as it says, the only thing I did a little differently then normal was run the volume to ground directly to the switch as opposed to the output jack. Also, I used Marks offboard layout, as I always do.

Any ideas where or how this is happening?

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Re: EM Drive Problem

Does the 3dpt stomp is ok? Test it with a multimeter. I remember two similar behavior, one 3dpdt was fucked, and the other was a cold soldering, needed to solder it again.
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Re: EM Drive Problem

boratto, what do you mean does the switch stomp ok? if you mean does it engage, then yes it seems to. i'm going to redo the wiring tomorrow, as i might have fucked up my wiring somehow. I ended up building a new board and wired it in, and i have the same exact problem. can not believe a circuit this small is driving me nuts now.

my last two builds have given me grief after nothing but success for over 20 pedals. but it happens.
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Re: EM Drive Problem

experiment with another 3dpdt. I have problems with one these days, there was no signal through one of the lugs when engaged. I lost a lot of time looking for problems on the circuit, and the problem was the 3dpdt.
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Re: EM Drive Problem

Try remelting the solder on your input wire at both ends (input jack and stomp switch). Those connections don't look kosher.
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Re: EM Drive Problem

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Re: EM Drive Problem

Thanks guys for the help, I really appreciate it.. the transistor was in correctly, but I did find the mistake. I kept thinking there was something wrong with my grounding, so I traced the whole grounding setup and found the problem. I'm embarrassed to say, but I screwed up the dc jack wiring. I had the ground attached to the positive lead, which would have been used by the battery if there was one. I totally feel like such a noob, but it happens.